ZOE In­sti­tu­te for Fu­ture-Fit Eco­no­mies

Consulting / Beratung

ZOE, the In­sti­tu­te for Fu­ture-Fit Eco­no­mies, is a non-pro­fit and in­de­pen­dent think & do tank. We are de­di­ca­ted to re­se­arch for a fu­ture-fit eco­no­my. At the in­ter­face of po­li­tics, sci­ence and ci­vil so­cie­ty, we de­ve­lop trend-set­ting im­pul­ses for the fun­da­men­tal ques­ti­ons of eco­no­mic de­ve­lop­ment.

Anja Boenke